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I strive to better myself in every facet of my life and career. I love performing and entertaning, and although I'm most known for Erotic Poetry, I wish for all my work, erotic and non erotic, to be noticed, heard and for it to touch people, so I pride myself in giving a great show every time i touch a stage. With that being said, I welcome your comments, testimonials and/or criticism along with photos if you like,  just go to my CONTACT page, shoot me an email, and I will add them to my photo reel at my earliest convenience. (unless otherwise notified) or just leave me a comment here below. I want to hear from you, talk to me and I'll talk back.


                                Thank you

                      -ThePoet StanleyRay

Message details:
From: Jalil Muhammad

Date: 21 November 2013
Subject: WEB SITE

The site is hot Stan. SALUTE and much Success

Message Details: Name : Thylon SizenoreEmail : thylons@gmail.comSubject : Your the bombMessage : Thank you for sharing yourself. It was healing for my soul.

Message details:
From: Kaylynn Crittle
Date: 26 November 2013
The site turned out lovely!! Easy place to buy sweet spot tickets, and I love the poem on the home page!


Message details:
From: Michelle Harper Date: 19 November 2013
Subject: Jan 24th show
I NEED A TICKET! Is that another Sweet Spot?


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